Query 1:- for opting margin scheme is any form filing or intimation is required to GST Department?
Query 2:- he can purchase second hand goods from registered dealer or only from unregistered person for opting margin scheme ? If yes can claim GST on second hand goods purchased from such registered person?
Query 3:- the second hand goods dealer can choose both margin scheme and transaction scheme for supply of used goods and second hand goods during the same financial year, is any restriction? Or We need to take GST registeration seperately for both?
Query 4:- registered person can deal new products under normal GST and second hands goods under margin scheme under same GST registeration ? Is any restriction? Or we need to take seperate GST registeration for both?
Query 5:- if a registered person opted for margin scheme? Need to issue tax Invoice or bill of supply or invoice cum bill of supply? Which one is issued?
Query 6:- if registered person purchase second hand goods from registered dealer opted under the margin scheme, he can claim input on such second hand goods? Is amy restriction?