Manager under companies act

S.Balasubramanian. (proprietor) (114 Points)

23 September 2011  

*In a listed company one of the Direcors is appointed 'manager under' companies act .No remuneration only sitting fees.what are the steps involved-Board appoints him -placed before AGM for adopting as a special resolution.Then what are the forms to be filed ,approval to be obtained.

*His earlier term has ended as on 30.04.2011.board has met on 20.04.2011 recommending extension of the term for a further period of 3 years  special resoultion is proposed to be adopted in the AGM in this regard( I am a shareholder).can he officiate as 'manager' (there is no WT/MD for the company )pending approval.what is his status in AGM ?

*As a director he retired was ,eligible &reelected in the last AGM.In the disclosure  under 'corporate Governance' under clause 49 IV of the Listing Agreement the details of the director are given.But no mention is made that he is also "Manager ' to the company.Is it not neceesary that term of office has to be coterminus with the term of office as "manager"?

*I need to get updated whie attending the AGM.