pl. clear applicability of gst on the amount collected by by the flatholders for their own maintenance expenses.
Maintenance collected by rwa from its members
vishalvindal (chief accountant) (27 Points)
09 April 2017vishalvindal (chief accountant) (27 Points)
09 April 2017pl. clear applicability of gst on the amount collected by by the flatholders for their own maintenance expenses.
Dhirajlal Rambhia
(SEO Sai Gr. Hosp.)
(183878 Points)
Replied 09 April 2017
It will be applicable, unless in any negative list!!
Rajesh Kumar
(Advocate- Tax)
(7806 Points)
Replied 10 April 2017
As per definition of supply, the transaction between RWA and its members are supply and GST shall be attracted. We need to wait for exemption notifications. This transaction is likely to be exempted upto certain amount, may be Rs. 5000/- per month.
(chief accountant)
(27 Points)
Replied 27 April 2017