
Page no : 3


Mom You've given me so much,
Love from your heart and the warmth of your touch.
The gift of life and you're a friend to me.
We have a very Special Bond which only comes from God...
I'm sure you agree.

As a child I would say Mommy I Love You,
As  you're my Mother so dear ..
I love you even more with each and every new year.

If I could had chosen, I would have picked no other.
Than for you ... to be my lifelong friend and Precious Mother



jahan jahan mile sukoon....
vahan he tu...
jahan jahan bhi dekho..
teri khushboo....
tujhe sochu....
to man mera muskae...
tujhe sochu...
dil jhoom jhoom jae...
meri maaaaa...
meri pyari maaa...
tujhsa rishta kahan...
meri pyari maa...

meri pyari maa...
tuhe mera jahaan..
mein hoon tera nisha..
meri pyari maa....

teri khushi ho meri khushi.... ese mein jioon
tujhe lage meri zindagi... mein  duaa karoon
meri dosti... meri zindagi... meri har khushi
maa tumse.........
mera hosla... meri jeet bhi...
meri maaa.. meri pyari maa...
tujhsa rishta kahan...
meri pyari maa
meri pyari maaaaaa.........


                                    a song on maa...

CA Rajesh S (Chartered Accountant) (1581 Points)
Replied 14 August 2008

Maa Tujhe Salaam..........................I really mean it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

CA Rajesh S (Chartered Accountant) (1581 Points)
Replied 14 August 2008

MAA Tujhe Salaam.................................I Mean It!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


---------- What "Mother" Means ----------

"Mother" is such a simple word,
But to me there’s meaning seldom heard.
For everything I am today,
My mother’s love showed me the way....

I’ll love my mother all my days,
For enriching my life in so many ways.
She set me straight and then set me free,
And that’s what the word "mother" means to me....





                  A SONG BY MAA FOR HER SON !!!






RISHTA TERA.............







RISHTA TERA..............









Replied 18 August 2008

No comparision. Goood very goooood.

CA Nallathambi Srinivasan (Audit Team Member) (1584 Points)
Replied 18 August 2008

No word to tell about mothers love.


maaM: caar kivayaaoM ko naaO daoho


maOM raoyaa prdosa maoM BaIgaa maaM ka Pyaar
duK nao duK sao baat kI ibana
ica{I ibana tar
— inada Ôja,laI

jananaI jaatk jagat maoM ilae hOM naata EaoYz
jaba tk maaM tna p`aNa hOM iSaSau ka na hao naoYT
—satISa caMd` ]paQyaaya

maaM toro AaMcala tlao payaa jaao ivaEaama
imalaa nahIM [sa jagat maoM ifr vaOsaa Aarama

saba kuC tUnao hI idyaa tna mana BaaYaa naama
maatRSai @ t krta tujao vaarMvaar p`Naama

Saas~I ina%ya gaaopala kTaro

kaSaI kabaa CaoD, do mat kr caaraoM Qaama
qaama sako tao baavaro maaM ka AaMcala qaama

gaIlao maoM saaotI rhI saUKo maoM qaa laala
maata toro %yaaga kI jaga maoM nahIM imasaala

QartI jananaI AaOr gaaO saba maaM ko ivastar
cauka nahIM sakto kBaI hma [nako ]pkar

maaM baIvaI yaa baoiTyaaM tIna naar ko $p
tInaaoM maoM hI hO inaiht saaro Sai @ t sva$p

maata saaqa na CaoD,tI mahja, %yaagatI doh
basa jaatI Gar vaasa–saI jyaaoM KotaoM maoM maoh

—Aaoma Samaa-


The story began when I was a child;
I was born as a son of a poor family.
Even for eating, we often got lack of food.
Whenever the time for eating, mother often gave me her portion of rice.
While she was removing her rice into my bowl,
she would say "Eat this rice, son. I'm not hungry".
That was Mother's First Lie

When I was getting to grow up,
the persevering mother gave her spare time for fishing in a river near our house,
she hoped that from the fishes she got,
she could gave me a little bit nutritious food for my growth.
After fishing, she would cook the fishes to be a fresh fish soup,
which raised my appetite. While I was eating the soup,
mother would sit beside me and eat the rest meat of fish,
which was still on the bone of the fish I ate.
My heart was touched when I saw it.
I then used my chopstick and gave the other fish to her.
But she immediately refused it and said "Eat this fish, son.
I don't really like fish."
That was Mother's Second Lie.

Then, when I was in Junior High School,
to fund my study,
mother went to an economic enterprise to bring some used-matches boxes that would be stuck in.
It gave her some money for covering our needs.
As the winter came,
I woke up from my sleep and looked at my mother who was still awoke,
supported by a little candlelight and within her perseverance she continued
the work of sticking some used-matches box.
I said, "Mother, go to sleep, it's late,
tomorrow morning you still have to go for work.
" Mother smiled and said "Go to sleep,
dear. I'm not tired."
That was Mother's Third Lie.

At the time of final term,
mother asked for a leave from her work in order to accompany me.
While the daytime was coming and the heat of the sun was starting to shine,
the strong and persevering mother
waited for me under the heat of the sun's shine for several hours.
As the bell rang, which indicated that the final exam had finished,
mother immediately welcomed me and poured me a glass of tea
that she had prepared before in a cold bottle.
The very thick tea was not as thick as my mother's love,
which was much thicker. Seeing my mother covering with perspiration,
I at once gave her my glass and asked her to drink too.
Mother said "Drink, son. I'm not thirsty!".
That was Mother's Fourth Lie.

After the death of my father because of illness,
my poor mother had to play her role as a single parent.
By held on her former job, she had to fund our needs alone.
Our family's life was more complicated. No days without sufferance.
Seeing our family's condition that was getting worse,
there was a nice uncle who lived near my house came to help us,
either in a big problem and a small problem.
Our other neighbors who lived next to us saw that our family's life was so unfortunate,
they often advised my mother to marry again. But mother,
who was stubborn, didn't care to their advice,
she said "I don't need love."
That was Mother's Fifth Lie.

After I had finished my study and then got a job,
it was the time for my old mother to retire.
But she didn't want to; she was sincere to go to the marketplace every morning,
just to sell some vegetable for fulfilling her needs.
I, who worked in the other city, often sent her some money to help her in fulfilling her needs,
but she was stubborn for not accepting the money.
She even sent the money back to me.
She said "I have enough money."
That was Mother's Sixth Lie.

After graduated from Bachelor Degree,
I then continued my study to Master Degree.
I took the degree, which was funded by a company through a scholarship program,
from a famous University in America .
I finally worked in the company. Within a quite high salary,
I intended to take my mother to enjoy her life in America .
But my lovely mother didn't want to bother her son,
she said to me "I'm not used to."
That was Mother's Seventh Lie.

After entering her old age,
mother got a flank cancer and had to be hospitalized.
I, who lived in miles away and across the ocean,
directly went home to visit my dearest mother.
She lied down in weakness on her bed after having an operation.
Mother, who looked so old, was staring at me in deep yearn.
She tried to spread her smile on her face;
even it looked so stiff because of the disease she held out.
It was clear enough to see how the disease broke my mother's body,
thus she looked so weak and thin.
I stared at my mother within tears flowing on my face.
My heart was hurt, so hurt, seeing my mother on that condition.
But mother, with her strength, said "Don't cry, my dear.
I'm not in pain."
That was Mother's Eight Lie.

After saying her eighth lie, She closed her eyes forever!


"The moment a child is born, the mother is also born. She never existed before. 

The woman existed, but the mother, never. A mother is something absolutely new." 

My Mom 


"The best years of your life are the ones in which you decide your problems are your own. You do not blame them on your mother, the ecology, or the president. You realize that you control your own destiny." 

"I remember my mother's prayers and they have always followed me. They have clung to me all my life." 




"Mother love is the fuel that enables a normal human being to do the impossible." 



CA Annie (Chartered Accountant ) (747 Points)
Replied 05 September 2008

touchng........moving.......gr8 work



The young mother set her foot on the path of life. 'Is This the long way?' she asked. And the guide said: 'Yes, and the way is hard.

And you will be old before you reach the end of it... But

The end will be better than the beginning.'

But the young mother was happy, and she would not Believe that anything could be better than these years. So she Played with her children, and gathered flowers for Them along the way, and bathed them in the clear streams; and The sun shone on them, and the young Mother cried, 'Nothing will ever be lovelier than this.'

Then the night came, and the storm, and the path was Dark, and the children shook with fear and cold, and the mother Drew them close and covered them with her mantle, and the children said, 'Mother, we are not afraid, for you are near, and no harm can come.'

And the morning came, and there was a hill ahead, and The children climbed and grew weary, and the mother was weary.

But at all times she said to the children,' A little patience and we are there.'

So the children climbed, and when they reached the top They said, 'Mother, we would not have done it without you.'

And the mother, when she lay down at night looked up At the stars and said, 'This is a better day than the last, for my Children have learned fortitude in the face of hardness. Yesterday I gave them courage.

Today, I 've given them strength.'

And the next day came strange clouds which darkened The earth, clouds of war and hate and evil, and the children groped And stumbled, and the mother said: 'Look up. Lift your eyes to the light.

' And the children looked and saw above the clouds An everlasting glory, and it guided them beyond the Darkness. And that night the Mother said, 'This is the best day of all, for I have shown my children God.'

And the days went on, and the weeks and the months and The years, and the mother grew old and she was little and bent.

But her children were tall and strong, and walked with Courage. And when the way was rough, they lifted her, For she was as light as a feather; and at last they came to a hill, And beyond they could see a shining road and golden gates flung wide.

And Mother said, 'I have reached the end of my journey. And now I know the end Is better than the beginning, for my children can Walk alone, and their children after them.'

And the children said, 'You will always walk with us, Mother, even when you have gone through the gates.'

And they stood and watched her as she went on alone, and the gates Closed after her. And they said: 'We cannot see her But she is with us still. A Mother like ours is more than a memory. She Is a living presence.......'

Your Mother is always with you... She's the whisper Of the leaves as you walk down the street; she's the smell of bleach In your freshly laundered socks; she's the cool hand On your brow when you're not well. Your Mother lives Inside your laughter. And she's crystallized in every tear drop.

She's the place you came from, your first home; and she's the map you follow with every step you take. She's your first love And your first heartbreak, and nothing on earth can Separate you.

Not time, not space... Not even death!


Mother India's letter to her NRI son


By Kul Bhushan
On August 15, a 60-year old 'Mother India' writes this letter to her NRI son:

My dear NRI son,

They say, 'Life begins at 60!' Yes, a whole new game starts at 60 when you enjoy the fruits of all that you have sacrificed and worked for. It seems that I have 'arrived' after all those years of toiling, denying and watching others enjoying 'the good life'.

Celebrating my 60th birthday today, I have a thousand big and small things to be thankful for. First, the big ones...

I am living in an independent country where every vote counts. More importantly, it still remains united through all crises. I can seek justice from independent courts even though they move slowly. I can make my voice heard without fear in the public. A powerful media keeps everyone on his/her toes. Perhaps, it can be said that the Supreme Court and the media run my country.

Last but not the least, despite the one billion plus people, Indian economy is the fastest growing free economy in the world, at a galloping rate of over nine percent. Now I am a member of the exclusive Trillion Dollar Club - the value my GDP - that has only 13 members.

Remember the times when I craved for 'phoren' goods? We could not buy any foreign consumer goods because there was no foreign exchange to pay for them. For 50 years, the shops just had local goods.

Now things are totally different. The local goods are also as good as them because they are successfully competing with them. Foreign exchange? At the latest count I have $230 billion. When I go shopping at the shining malls even in smaller towns, I get the feeling of being in a foreign country with the dazzling displays.

Instead of just two or three makes of cars, I have a great line-up to choose from as over one million cars were made here last year and, believe me, we also export them!

I enjoy perhaps the cheapest rates of mobile calls in the world. Mobiles have the fastest growth in the world here as 10,000 are added every hour and 166 every minute! Now there are almost 200 million of them because the basic price for a mobile is just around $45! The servant, maid, driver, plumber, carpenter, electrician, washerwoman... everyone has a mobile.

And most of them have a colour TV at home. What a hassle you had when you imported a colour TV set for me back in the 1980s? The 300 percent custom duty and the 150 percent penalty and the form filling! Now you can buy any colour TV set including the flat screen and the huge plasma ones at any big shop. Over 12 million sets are made in India. Colour TV sets are quite cheap too as I switched over to a decent flat screen for less than $250. Instead of just one or two government controlled channels, now I can surf over 400 channels beaming by cable to my TV.

Instead of long train journeys, I have been travelling in India by air. Recently many private airlines have taken off to compete with the single domestic carrier as in the past. If I book early, I can get an air ticket from Mumbai to Delhi or any airport for just a few hundred rupees! Millions who had never travelled by air have become regular air passengers. Gone are those days when getting foreign exchange to travel abroad was a nightmare. Now every year, I can get up to $5,000 for my vacation, up to $25,000 for a business trip and can send abroad up to $100,000!

No need of the trip to Post Office to send you this letter as I am using email and can talk to you over the Internet and also see you with my web cam on my PC. Yes, I have learnt to use the Net along with millions of other Indians. All of them may not own a PC but they just spend 50 cents an hour to use a cyber cafe for their emailing and surfing.

You do not see all these goodies just when you land in India but slowly they sink in and you also find out about the hefty pay cheques for IT professionals. Then you may start thinking: 'Why shouldn't I return?'

A few thousand young professionals, perhaps 40,000 say some, have returned to work in India in IT companies or multi-national companies flocking here. Of course, many millions of unemployed, underpaid and under-qualified are trying to go abroad by hook or crook. That's another story of 'the other' India - not for today.

When you see the tricolour unfurling atop the Red Fort in Delhi today, it is a moment to celebrate. It seems that my turn has come to be counted on the top table of the world. You know that I am always praying for your welfare and waiting for your next trip into my extended arms.

Yours ever loving, Mother India.

(A media consultant to a UN Agency, Kul Bhushan previously worked abroad as a newspaper editor and has travelled to over 55 countries.)


Tharish V (Student) (988 Points)
Replied 07 September 2008

 nice.. but didnt understood those hindi ones..

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