hello friends can u pls guide me as to whether preparing ONLY from M.P Vijaykumar for CA Final Accounts is good enough for exams.
Pls help.
Amit Khanna (student) (447 Points)
04 September 2009hello friends can u pls guide me as to whether preparing ONLY from M.P Vijaykumar for CA Final Accounts is good enough for exams.
Pls help.
(878 Points)
Replied 04 September 2009
Hi Amit,
Consolidation, Amalgamation and Valuation - MPV Class notes is enough. No need to refer any other material
Accounting Standard - 16 to 29 - MPV explained concept very well. But he did only 2 or 3 problems for each standard. Do other problems in workbook and suggested answers problem.
Accounting Standard - 1 to 15 - just he gave only introduction. so follow any other good books(Rawat).
Misc Topics and Guide Notes - MPV explained concept very well. But he did only 2 or 3 problems for each topics. Do other problems in workbook and suggested answers problem.
PF & ESI Course - Labour Code 2019 Along with Examples and Case Studies