Dear All,
This was my 2nd attempt for CS Executive But this time i also failed.
My total ranking marks is 253.
Should i cont with my studies or not???
Is recheck paper will beneficial?????
Please help
NITISH (Employee & Student) (242 Points)
25 February 2011Dear All,
This was my 2nd attempt for CS Executive But this time i also failed.
My total ranking marks is 253.
Should i cont with my studies or not???
Is recheck paper will beneficial?????
Please help
Ritesh Indian Son[CMA*CS*CA]
(" Simple Living High Thinking ")
(4117 Points)
Replied 26 February 2011
hey dear dnt be upset..just give ur best shot once more........:)
(company secretary)
(368 Points)
Replied 26 February 2011
even i tooooooooooooo bro
wat to do?????????just 1 mark...................
(144 Points)
Replied 02 March 2011
nitish is an employee he must give another try coz doing CS wiht Job is tough
But king is already a CS (as inscribed below his name) how could he fail
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