LTA exemption ?
Dilip (Working) (408 Points)
29 January 2010
(4016 Points)
Replied 29 January 2010
Dear Dilip,
LTA Exemption is available only on actual journies performed. Therefore if journey is not performed then total amount is taxable.
Further the period of LTA will be considered as PL or not will depend upon Companies Policy.
So better if u ckeck with HR or Admin Department..Normaly it is considered as PL
(408 Points)
Replied 29 January 2010
(4016 Points)
Replied 29 January 2010
Dear Dilip,
Even if journey is performed by CAR, exemption of LTA is available as follows -
"where places of origin of journey and destination are connected by rail and the journey is performed on or by any mode of transport other than by air, an amount not exceeding the air-conditioned first class rail fare by the shortest route to the place of destination"
(24 Points)
Replied 03 August 2010
I have travelled by train after availing without pay leave (i.e. not privilege leave) and the same is not eligible / acceptable for the LTA exemption as per current employer policy but now I want to confirm whether I T Act, 1961 specified that employer has right to decide this like employee is confirmed or on probation and taken PL or leave without pay?
Secondly while on leave you were on probation that the another reason you are not eligible for LTA exemption.
Does Act / hearing of any case requires that only confirmed employee and that to on privilege leave only are eligible / criterias hence due to above reasons HR is not accepting my claim on LTA exemption.
Last but not least do I need to submit the proofs to claim this. In my opinion there is L & T hearing case dated 21.01.2009 on the no proofs required to submit to the employer is still there means no other updates after this no new hearing case or opinion is prevailing.
Please guide as I am facing these many issues in claiming the exemption. Also give working file / format for claim the exemption, if any.
Thanks for your consideration.