Love means "NISWARTHA" with out any benefit

CA CS Amit Borade (Chief Accountant) (2828 Points)

19 November 2009  

 Love means "NISWARTHA" with out any benefit.. 

That type of LOVE wins always.

**One day a yogi was taking bath in a pond. 

He saw one scorpion is in water and sinking deep.

Saadhu thought that it will die soon. 

So, he tried to take him and put it back to land.

But every time scorpion bit him and again fell down to water. 

Saadhu repeated this several times.

After some time one person asked to sadu him,"Why you are doing the same thing?" 

Saadhu replied,"Scorpion is having a nature to bit and I have a nature to help a person when he's in problem. 

Scorpion is doing his Karma and I am doing my Dharma.**

It clears Lov is God n keep loving truly~It certainly helps.

@ @ @ @ @ @ @

Words to the Wise:-

01. God wants spiritual fruit, not religious nuts.

02. Dear God: I have a problem. Sometimes, it's me.

03. Growing old is inevitable, growing up is optional.

04. There is no key to happiness. The door is always open.

05. Silence is often misinterpretted, but never misquoted.

06. Do maths. Count your blessings.

07. Faith is the ability not to panic.

08. Laugh every day, it's like inner jogging.

09. If we worry, we probably don't pray. If we pray, we probably won't worry.

10. As a child of God, prayer is kind of calling home every day.

11. Blessed are the flexible, for they shall not be bent out of shape.

12. The most important things at our homes are the people.

13. When we get tangled up in our problems, be still. God wants us to be still so He can untangle the knots for us.

14. A grudge is a heavy thing to carry.

15. He who dies with the most toys is still dead. And who knows where he has gone?

16. We do not remember days, but moments. Life moves too fast, so enjoy the precious moments.

17. Nothing is real to you until you experience it, otherwise it's just a hearsay.

18. Surviving and living our life successfully requires courage. .
