love in ur surrounding

CA CS Amit Borade (Chief Accountant) (2828 Points)

08 January 2010  

Once a thief and a rich man were traveling together. Actually, the thief was following the rich man because he knew him to be very wealthy.

Whenever the rich man would go to the bathroom, or when the train would stop and the rich man would go to buy puris or something, the thief would look all through the room and in his bags, drawers, everywhere.

Every stop he would try somewhere new. "Maybe in the overhead locker," he thought, and searched all over.

The train journey was just about to end, and as the train was slowing down, the thief confessed, "Actually, I'm a thief, and I have been trying all this time to get your wealth, but you have outwitted me sir."

The rich man went over to the thief's bed and began pulling out his wealth from underneath the bed.

"This is where I hid it," the rich man said, "Because I knew that underneath your bed would be the last place that you would look."


So often we look for pleasure in many different places, travel to different countries looking for this pleasure,

but we don't realize that pleasure is actually right there in the heart and
That is love in ur PARENTS.... in FRIENDS.... EVERY WHERE.