Dear Members,
Loss in case of change in share holding pattern
RAJU (LEARNER) (1089 Points)
09 September 2009RAJU (LEARNER) (1089 Points)
09 September 2009Dear Members,
Juzer Sadikot
(CA - innovative solutions for Imports and Exports)
(1309 Points)
Replied 09 September 2009
Dear Dharamraju,
In your case brought forward losses shall not be availabe for setoff against the income earned in previous years i.e. 2008-09 as 51% or more of voting rights are not beneficialy held by the same person, as on last day of the year, who was benificial share holder at the time of incurrence of these loss.
Also you may check whether you are qualifiying under 1st and 2nd provisio of section 79.
(1089 Points)
Replied 09 September 2009
Juzer Sadikot
(CA - innovative solutions for Imports and Exports)
(1309 Points)
Replied 09 September 2009
Dear Dharmaraju,
Yes, ur right.
Also note, you can have unabsorbed Depriciation, Family planning bla bla benifits. In case your b/f loss include this items.