Long term capital loss from house property sale Setoff/ carryforward

Viswa nath (Sales professional) (70 Points)

27 July 2024  
  1. Can we setoff Long term capital loss from house property sale against the Rental income from second property in the same year and subsequent years.
  2. Canwe setoff Long term capital loss from house property sale against the Salary income in current year and subsequent years. If so Will this reduce our next taxable income?

     3. Hope LTCG/loss of house property cannot be setoff/carry forward in new regime.  

         Can we setoff the long term loss from house sale in next year in old regeime, if we select New in current year  ? 

4. Are the entire long term losses (house) accumulated prior year(s)  and current year, will be wiped off,  if we have selected new regime once in any point of time?
