The manner of payouts to the holders of the NCDs is set out below:
1. Dissenting Secured NCD Holders: Particulars Amount (INR Cr) Cash (Share of Liquidation Value) 18.57
2. Assenting Unsecured NCD Holders: Particulars Amount (INR Cr)
Cash - Tranche 1 9.62
Cash - Tranche 2 3.73
Cash – In lieu of SRs * 9.80
OCD 42.13 Equity (SIFL) NIL
3. Assenting Secured NCD Holders Particulars Amount (INR Cr)
Cash - Tranche 1 182.31
Cash - Tranche 2 49.50
SRs (Backed by NCDs and CCPS) 139.96
OCD 731.89
Equity (SIFL) - % holding 1.24% Payout
Payments to NCD Holders as per the approved resolution plan including Cash Payment, issuing of OCDs to Trustees, Security Receipts, NCDs and Equity Shares of SIFL, wherever applicable are in the process of being made. Please also note that on payment/ issuance of instruments in accordance with the approved resolution plan, as specified below of various classes of NCD holders, all rights of NCD holders shall be governed by the terms of such instruments.