Loan Given by Director To Company
Tejas shah (Sweeper) (163 Points)
23 September 2019The director has given money out of his own funds...
Tejas shah (Sweeper) (163 Points)
23 September 2019
Nikeeta Bahar
(43 Points)
Replied 23 September 2019
Tejas shah
(163 Points)
Replied 23 September 2019
Nikeeta Bahar
(43 Points)
Replied 24 September 2019
Tejas shah
(163 Points)
Replied 24 September 2019
Jatin Bajaj
(2930 Points)
Replied 24 September 2019
The amount given by the Director to the Company is treated as Loan which shall be repaid along with the interest.
Tejas shah
(163 Points)
Replied 24 September 2019