Loan from Husband in the partnership firm

ADNAN HUSSAIN (Student CA IPC / IPCC) (152 Points)

05 June 2020  


I have a partnership firm in which my mother is a partner and there is someone else the another partner, as we are the investing partner the whole of the capital was introduced by us in the firm. But the capital was introduced from my fathers account. So my doubt is:-

1. Whether the whole capital introduced in the firm from my fathers account shall be shown under capital account of my mother in the firm? 


2. Whether it shall be shown as Loan From my father to the partnership firm?

Please suggest me which option shall be appropriate...

and whether it will create any impact if option 2 is selected as there will be more loans and the capital would be almost NIL, Whether it will create any issue if i would be filing for E- Tenders where i have to submit accounts copy?