Can a public limited company take loan from its directors, if yes is there any restriction regarding amount of loan or interest to be paid. Please clarify its urgent
Khushboo Maheshwari (Company Secretary) (548 Points)
02 July 2009Can a public limited company take loan from its directors, if yes is there any restriction regarding amount of loan or interest to be paid. Please clarify its urgent
Pavan Jain S
(Chartered Accountant)
(1575 Points)
Replied 02 July 2009
Yes. Section 299 r.w. section 300 has to be complied with i.e., disclosure at board meeting regarding interest has to be made and entries to be made in the register maintained u/s 301. Pass resolution at Board meeting u/s 292 (1)(c). Obtain declaration from the director in terms of section 58A.
CS Ankur Srivastava
(Company Secretary & Compliance Officer)
(17853 Points)
Replied 03 July 2009
In my opinion it will be treated as deposits and section 58A and Acceptance of Deposit Rules, 1975 should be complied with. Limits are also therein.
Mamta Batra
(376 Points)
Replied 03 July 2009
Pavan Jain S
(Chartered Accountant)
(1575 Points)
Replied 03 July 2009
I would like to draw the attention to rule 2(b)(ix) of the Companies (Acceptance of Deposits) Rules which, inter alia, excludes "amount received from director of a company" from the definuition of deposit. In my view, the same do not come within the purview of deposit. the same has been clarified by MCA vide circular no 1/1/80 - CLV/7/33/78-CLX dated 3.5.80.
CS Ekta
(Company Secretary)
(309 Points)
Replied 03 July 2009
CS Ankur Srivastava
(Company Secretary & Compliance Officer)
(17853 Points)
Replied 03 July 2009
Dear Pawan,
It is a exempted deposit. Deposit obtained from the director is a exempted deposit.
Mohan A
(CA Final)
(179 Points)
Replied 19 August 2009
Originally posted by :Khushboo Maheshwari | ||
" | Can a public limited company take loan from its directors, if yes is there any restriction regarding amount of loan or interest to be paid. Please clarify its urgent | " |
Can a public limited company(Listed) take unsecured loan from its shareholders ?
Kindly reply me.....
amit trivedi
(96 Points)
Replied 30 June 2010
Any one have format of declaration from the directors of a pvt. ltd. com. for unsecured loan under the companies act, 1956.
Please provide.
Amit Trivedi