Can Registration Process be started for Incorporation of an LLP right now as it is understood that LLP will be applicable with affect from 01/04/2009? As regards Name Application and all......
Mamta Batra
(Chartered Accountants)
(28 Points)
Replied 08 March 2009
can anybody send me ppt of LLP
(90 Points)
Replied 12 March 2009
Dear Navin,
The LLP Act received the President's assent on 07/01/2009. However, it has not yet been notified, and therefore it has not come into effect. Although the target date for its applicability is 01/04/2009 but without notification, it is just a tentative date, and not conclusive. Besides, different sections of the Act may become effective from different dates, if you notice the Proviso to Sec. 1(3). (I have attached the LLP Act for your convenience). Also, the Rules are still at concept stage and have not been finalised or notified.
Dear Mamta, do contact me after about a week and I might be able to share a ppt on LLP with you. If you are keen, do attend this presentation :
Best Regards.
( P.S. - Usual disclaimers apply)