LLP: Form 11 (Annual Return of Limited Liability Partnership

Sid (N/A) (40 Points)

23 May 2011  


I incorporated my LLP on 11/March/2010, so I didnt need to file these forms last year (but need to now):

Form 8 - Statement of Account & Solvency

Form 11 - Annual Return of Limited Liability Partnership


My LLP was incorporated with INR 50,000 worth of services each from two partners, and we did not conduct any business / generate any income in the financial year.

I am trying to fill out Form 11 - item 11 "*Obligations of the partners to contribute"

Sr.No. Name of Partne Obligation and form of contribution Contributions received and accounted for (in `)

but I'm not clear on what I have to fill out here. If I leave it blank, I get an error:

"Invalid Value: Contribution. Please enter amount greater than zero."

If I fill out each partner's name and amount of INR 50,000, the Check form button gives an error:

"Totalcontribution received from partners should not exceed contribution of LLP."


I dont understand what the issue is and why its giving this error. Nowhere in the form does it ask me to specify the "contribution of the LLP".