Live out these 60 dayzzzz..and make the most of it

DEVIL-Liv every moment of life (ca final) (1735 Points)

28 February 2013  


Again the exam fever is approaching… Many dreams are attached to this phase.. I just hope D respected members are relating with what I m trying to say..

We are left with around abt 60 dayzz..  These dayz would be sometimes hectic, frustrating, annoying, & most imp thing…there would be huge shifting of routines like.. less sleeping, avoiding food etc etc etc..

I personally believe that If We think of our dreams  and than try to make it a true  one, it not only motivates but helps us in moving towards our target in  a Better way.

Try to live out these dayz if not for others just for yourself, your satisfaction..

Dream big and than plan accordingly..

Live out these 60 dayzz…

Leave the past results u had..

As Winston Churchill once said, “Success is never final, failure is never fatal.  It is courage to continue that counts.”

Persistence is the mother of all productive effort.  Failures, small and large, happen every day to the best of us.  The strongest, most productive people aren’t the people who always succeed, but the ones who don’t give up when they lose.

In the heat of the moment when you feel like quitting, think about how far you have come and why you started in the first place.  Oftentimes you’re a lot closer to making a breakthrough than you think.  Some people give up their efforts when they have almost reached their goal; while others, on the contrary, conquer their goals by exerting, up until the very last possible second, more vigorous efforts than ever before.

Bottom line:  Once you learn to quit, it becomes a habit – KEEP GOING!enlightened


Lots of persons think it is late for me to realize anything now..but it is not the case..

Wrong, it’s never too late to choose differently and make something new happen.

It’s an obvious point to many, but sometimes you have to say it out loud:  “I will create a better future by creating a better me right now.”  This moment is a new beginning.  Complaining about squandered time and lost opportunities from the past is pointless; you can’t do anything about these things.

Your future is immediate.  Grab it with both hands and carry it forward with you. .

Life is change; it is forever moving.  Staying stuck is a choice.

For it is a choice, not a chance, that determines your destiny.  The road may be long, but it’s wide open.  “The journey of a thousand miles begins with one step. If We  don’t like the way our life is at the moment, We  have the choice to change it.  Actually, you owe it to yourself to change it.  But you can only shift your current situation one small step at a time.

In other words, to get through even the most difficult times and circumstances you need to take baby steps, and you must keep on stepping.

There comes a time in our life when WE have to let go of all the pointless drama and the people who create it and surround yourself with people who make you laugh so hard that you forget the bad and focus solely on the good.  After all life is too short to be anything but happy.

**Even though so many folks forget, pain is actually a good thing.  It means you’re breathing, and trying, and interacting with the endless possibilities in this world.  Pain is for the living only; it’s worth fully accepting and dealing with while you still have a chance.

What’s important is the opening of your wings.  You may not know where you’re going, but you know that so long as your wings are spread, the winds will carry you forward.yes

Life does get better and better when you choose to make it so.

The world isn’t just the way it is.
It’s how you understand it to be

Like Two SEASONS are Not SAME.. phases in a human life.. they also never remain the same in a human life..
we can stop but this FARJI life will never stop…


Cocluding with:

Live out These 60 daysss make them Those 60 dayz which u will like to cherish in future for a long time..



i m also d same..i will also be giving my attempt of first group..what i think i tried to write it out... alll are just it can have mistaskes..



NJOY life