Little help needed .... help me out

*RENU SINGH * (✩ §m!ℓ!ñġ €ม€§ fℓม!ñġ ђ♪gђ✩ )   (21627 Points)

05 August 2013  

Hi frns ... 

Hope all are really good. I want a little advise for my studies. May be some people would be thinking in their mind ,... 


Is it really me who z writing this ...  Then please don't get surprised. Sometimes I bahave like nerd too. 


Okay let's count on my problems :- 

1. Target limit :-  the biggest problem with me is I am unable to set target for my study. What should be the ideal time for completing all subjects for first reading.  As because I hardly read for even an hour a day, so my lazy nature have made it impossible to set targeted time which is my biggest weakness. My exams are in may n m doing self. And as its my first reading for every subject so I'm unable to make an order as per the importance of topic and order of logics too. this is a problem which is creating an hurdle while making the rhythm.


2. Costing :- I don't know why I always feel like having heartattack with this subject name. I have Sanjay sir book which is good but I want a change ....should I buy its solution book or p.c tulsian available for ca final or should refer another book.  Please suggest book for audit n accounts as well. 



3. This is a kinda sickness thing ,..coz I don't know whenever I search for notes, I have just one feeling that I can write better for myself I keep my notes as per mood n habits ,,.so. Bit of personal touch.  Coz i have seen so many good notes of good professors ....but still I find myself relunctant to do it from them.  So please suggest me in practical subjects which topics should I prepare for  theory for writing notes. So that it would serve me as a ready recknor during exams. 




