successful people do not plan results,
they plan Beginning,
because right results always follow the right beginning
Life is the way how you look at it:
Some will read as: Live Together
Others: Live To Gather
And the rest will read it as: Live To Get Her
Sometimes we must be HURT in order to GROW.
Sometimes we must FAIL in order to KNOW.
Sometimes we must LOSE in order to GAIN.
BECAUSE some lessons in life are BEST learned through PAIN.
Let all your worries be set aside!
Smile a moment and thank Allah
for everything you have achieved!
You can never change the past
nor control the future
but you can change the mood of the day
by touching someone’s hear
with your sweet smile.
You can count the number of seeds in an apple.
But you can’t count the number of apples in a seed.
FUTURE is unseen always HOPE for the best.
If you carry your problems on your head
their weight will crush you
if you put them under your feet
they will serve like stair
help you to rise till success.
Life is like a coin.
Pleasure and pain are the two sides.
Only one side is visible at a time.
But remember other side is waiting for its turn.
Your life is as lonely as you would like to make it,
your joy is as much as you decide to feel it,
your night is as long as you decide to stay awake,
your destination is as far as you decide to walk,
no one sets the limits for you,
no one can catch the span of the sky.
your sky is as much high as u want to reach,
all you need is a positive approach in your decisions !
spread your wings and decide to fly.
Life is wonderful if you know how to live.
Don’t mix your words
with your mood because
you will have many options
to change your mood but
you will never have any option
to replace the spoken words.
When Nails are Grown We Cut Nails,
Similarly When Our Mis-Understandings
are Raising We Should Cut Ego
NOT Relations.
In any relationship,
when attachment dies,
formalities r born,
when formalities are born,
nothing remains.
Never raise your voice.
Just improve the quality
of your argument.
A Bitter Reality
Everyone is ready to help you
but when you need help,
everyone is ready to advise you.
Observe it
Ability of a person is not how he has planned.
But how he stands & faces the challenges of life
when everything he planned has gone wrong.
If the first button of shirt is wrongly put
All the rest are surely crooked
So always be careful at the first step
and all the rest will be correct..!
Efforts May Fail
Don't Fail 2 Make Efforts
Great Things Alwayz Come Late
Believe In Yourself
There Is No Shortcut 2 Success
bst ov luckkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk........................... :)