Life, thoughts and actions.....

Deepika (CA Final) (205 Points)

04 August 2011  


“Life is the way you see.

Life is the way you think.

Life is the way you speak.

Life is the way you act.

Life is how you approach.

Life is you and you are the greatest power.

Life is your thought, belief and actions.

Life is your attitude towards it.

What you think you act.

What you act you attract more into your life.

Everything in life happens twice once in your thought and second in your actions.

To know your life, know what you think.

To know what you think, know what you feel.”

Living is nothing but knowing oneself. One creates his life with his thoughts. So one has to know what he thinks and how he acts on that thought. If one wants to attract or get anything in his life, the best way is to tune the thought to what he wants and he attracts more and more of what he wants. Tune the thought from “do not want” to “want”.

Thought is a powerful tool to create life. Utilise the tool create your life….. Live it and feel it. :)