Life, maybe.....

Rajesh (Service ) (7576 Points)

03 September 2011  
Life ,
  May be .
Finding old friends and sharing good memories
Life ,
May be ,
an unexpected call from a dear one ,
Life ,
May be ,
The moment ,
A woman sees her baby for the first time
After a painful delivery ,
Life ,
May be ,
Feeling the sweet smell of your baby's neck ,
Life ,
May be ,
Seeing all the children of the world ,
As your own ,
Life ,
May be ,
Capturing the last rays of sun on the roof at the end of the day ,
And keep it alive
In your heart ,
Life ,
May be ,
Feeling hunger in the eyes of a homeless,
May be ,
Feeling the rain drops on your face ,
in a scorching  heat ,
Life ,
May be ,
The moment ,
You see Truth in everything ,
Life ,
May be ,
Bringing smile ,
To a street child ,
Whose childhood ,
has been robbed by poverty ,
Life ,
May  be ,
The Smile itself !!!!