Liable to file service tax return

ranjitkarmakar (service) (304 Points)

25 May 2012  

Respected Seniors

I have a client, they just started an Advertising Agency from 01/04/2012, and regsitered themself on Service Tax, suppose my client earn from first two quarter i.e. (01/04/2012 to 30/9/2012)  Rs. 6 lace and last two quarter earn i.e. (01/10/2012 to 31/3/2013) 10 lacs,

My question is whether they claim exemption of Rs. 10 lac as this the first year of business, if the exemption was claimed, they need to file the Return for first two quarter, as they are in exemption limit, if till they have to file return on Oct 2012 how they will be file the return.

Please clarify the whole things. Thanks