Lets Join Baba Ramdev...!!!!

Sumit B Choksi (CA Final) (422 Points)

04 June 2011  

Hi there everyone... I am a CA student residing in Bharuch (Gujarat)... Everyone is aware of Baba Ramdev Movement going on lately i.e " INDIA AGAINST CORRUPTION"... There are a few things i would like to share with you and appreciate your suggestions on them...

1. We all gathering here on this website reside at different places over the country. How can we support the movement and fight against corruption through this website?

2. How can We the youth of this country, the young guns.. the hot rushing blood... can be a strong support for Baba..?

3. If you heard the speech of Baba he had a point of incorporating Hindi as the language in professional studies. i.e Engineering and Medical courses.. During the speech i was expecting Commerce or CA course also... Imagine our subjects in Hindi?? What are your views on this?

4. We should all in any way possible start from today, from our home, our city and fight against corruption.. We are very familiar with various revenue departments i.e. income tax, sales tax, excise, customs etc... Whenever you go there observe the system of conduct being followed by the employees over there... If you see any signs of corruption then make notes... Once you have a strong proof submit it over various anti-corruption websites, anti-corruption departments by phone calls etc... You dont even need to provide your name or identity also..

5. Let us make our country the Super Power it should be... Let us get the respect we should have among the citizens of the world.. We are currently being viewed as a Country polluted by Poverty, Corruption, Illiteracy and many other problems.. Lets wake up and show the world what we are capable of...

The above views are just a drop of water in an ocean... There are many things that we should do and should be doing... For e.g. i have taken an oath that in my life i will certainly take the responsibility of education of one poor child... I have already started working on that oath.. Just imagine all we students taking any such actions can create a huge impact on the future of this country... So come on friends lets wake up...


Thanx all for reading...