Lets have a heated discussion guys!!!!!

Page no : 2

Ganeshbabu K (Audit and Tax Advisory) (48564 Points)
Replied 25 September 2012


Smart Work is best because

Smart Work includes within it the Hard Work.

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Ashish Kukreja (CA Final Student) (587 Points)
Replied 25 September 2012

A person who is smart knows how and when to Work Hard...

Even a Construction Labour do Hard Work..What they achieve...

Too much smartness is also bad..


So i must say


Smart Work + Hard Work = Success

Budding Professional (B.Com, CA & CS FINAL) (1686 Points)
Replied 25 September 2012

Hard Work probably means giving out everything that you can towards a particular purpose or activity. It means showing some real tough character.

Smart Work as is self explanatory means "getting desired maximum benefit/output with systematic allocation of efforts and synergies"

Though these are not standard definitions, I just made an attempt.


If I have to choose one at the first sight, I will prefer go with the latter, i.e the Smart Work, considering my evaluation of the two, but may not necessarily remain in the longer term.

Smart Work as already highlighted means having systematic allocation (systematic may not necessarily be full). Correspondingly, hard work means having maximum and full allocation (full may not be systematic again).


Considering one goes for smart work, he/she may not necessarily reap the benefits in the long term because that person will be lacking somewhere on some fronts because of not having the full inputs which were supposed to be for that particular one. And if one goes for hard work, though one will have the full implementation of whatever he/she was supposed to have, again the benefits may not be reaped because of them not being smart and probably not in the quantum and manner desired.


So conclusion, hard work and smart work are mutually dependent and need the oxygen of each other to get the desired results in the short term and satisfaction in the long term. Remember, result is a short term phenomenon and satisfaction is a long term phenomenon.


And talking specifically in context of clearing CA, the "only smart" workers may clear the exams, maybe even with flying colors, but those so called smart workers post qualification cry foul over the fact that they are not getting jobs, are not being shortlisted or not getting selected after the interviews and don't spare anyone in blaiming upon. (I am not offending anyone, just citing my opinion)


The key is to "Start Acting Smart and slowly and gradually start working hard" , "START SMART BUT END HARD "

Ans to become the person of your dreams "ACT SMART BUT WORK HARD".


Unlike name, the discussion has not yet got heated cheeky

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Ashish Kukreja (CA Final Student) (587 Points)
Replied 25 September 2012

Pooja apne bhi topic ka kya naam diya hai.."Heated Discussion" jaise koi yahan behes hone wali hai...

Kaam karo waqt barbaad mat karo..


No Time,No Work ,Whether Smart or Hard..

mansi (CA Final Student) (60 Points)
Replied 25 September 2012

pooja: to understand the thing for the first time n to make the concept clear u need hardwork....and once u r done wid it u definately need smart work as u can not do hard work a day prior to exam....!!!!

dharmesh (student) (62 Points)
Replied 25 September 2012

Smart work. Though you need to be hardworking to understand what "smart work" is all abt.. Meaning how to become efficient requires a thorough understanding of what is relevant and what needs to be chucked out..

CA Nikhil Jhanwar (CA,CS) (4447 Points)
Replied 25 September 2012

I have read all discussions................

Everyone is having his/her own distinct view on Hard Work and Smart Work. It is simply because of the fact it depends how we perceive the meaning of Hard & Smart Work.

In my view. 'Hard Work' means making best of your efforts to something without actually knowing the purpose of your efforts, situations in question, your goal for doing something, In simple Words Hard Work simply means ...........running on a inifinite road without knowing where you have to go.......

But When We talk about Smart Work, it already includes Hard Work in Itself but that  with balanced application of mind also and good management.

So, in that case I dont think there is any need to discuss which one is better Hard Work & Smart Work. ..Obvisouly Smart Work is better........... Even Those who are clearing CA Final in 4 months must have given hard work of 4 months.......Actually Success converts that hard Work into Smart Work.




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Working smart saves time, money and effort... So, I am a votary of : 



Veeral Gandhi

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Mr. Gandhi I never thought there is a silent kid in you, with regards to picture. As the tread is heated one, see no one noticed your Royal Blood (a wink), Said in warmheartedness.

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Originally posted by : Suraj

Mr. Gandhi I never thought there is a silent kid in you, with regards to picture. As the tread is heated one, see no one noticed your Royal Blood (a wink), Said in warmheartedness.

The picture I posted above earlier,  aptly gave the message in a light hearted manner that working smart is better than working hard. Due to technical reason, It was not properly visible, due to which I have deleted it, so that people do not mistake it as a childish act.




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Shivashish (Chartered Accountant) (2796 Points)
Replied 26 September 2012

both=) pay off.......

*RENU SINGH * (✩ §m!ℓ!ñġ €ม€§ fℓม!ñġ ђ♪gђ✩ )   (21627 Points)
Replied 26 September 2012

actually it's smart work that pays .....

because it consolidate hard work in right manner and in right proportion.

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CS Rajeev Rawat (Company Secretary) (45 Points)
Replied 26 September 2012

Very good and healthy discussion is going on... great.

My views:

- Hard work is required to gain knowledge

- Smartness is necessary to present it.


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Originally posted by : NEERAJ SINGH
And talking specifically in context of clearing CA, the "only smart" workers may clear the exams, maybe even with flying colors, but those so called smart workers post qualification cry foul over the fact that they are not getting jobs, are not being shortlisted or not getting selected after the interviews and don't spare anyone in blaiming upon. (I am not offending anyone, just citing my opinion)


People who are not able to clear CA final exam in first or second atttempt , they tend to imagine a wrong assupmtion about those who cleared CA final with flying colors. This  just shows their frustration and illegitimate approach to defend their failure.

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