Lets end dis s*xual harrassment in india

*JaiNitH KuMaR* (*Aspire Then Inspire* !!)   (217 Points)

22 April 2013  

Hello Frnz,

                     We All know the incident of that 5 year old child. She Is Fighting for her Life. They are still many children and women who are being raped daily.. :( I feel very ashamed to say this but its the truth. Even our Govt and police Force Seems To be Irresponsible these days. So we formed a community and decided to Bring a Implementation Of strict laws against s*xual harrassment..

                                   We Started A online petition. Please make a signature on this petition. Your signature is valuable and makes a real difference. Please encourage others to sign the petition as well. We need a minimum of 50000 signatures. This Petition will be sent to media people and the government officials demanding a strict law against s*xual harrassment  once we reach a limit. 

  "Implementation of Strict laws in cases of Sexual Harassment"

I really think this is an important cause, and I'd like to encourage you to add your signature, too. It's free and takes just a few seconds of your time. Please Forward this message to as many people as u can..!!

Thanking You.