Let me see this world..

ANU BANSAL ("Love urself the most.........")   (2482 Points)

04 July 2013  


Let me see this world..
I am a baby,
i am in my mother's abdomen,
Today my mother went for pregnancy test,
the result is positive,
My mom is very happy,
Mom said to dad,
You are going to be a father,
My dad is so happy,
he gives many hugs and many kisses to mom,
I am also very happy,
My mother starts taking healthy food,
because she understands,
her food is my food,
My mother touches her hands, several times to the tummy,
Because she wants to feel,
My heart beat,
my little hands, my legs and my little head,
and today, i was in a ultra scan,
wow, i am a girl child,
but, i was killed,
My mom, dad and doctor killed me,
yes, i was murdered,
But why................................................?
Is it just because i was a girl ?
Is it just because they have to marry me,
and it requires lot of money ?
Is it just because, they have to give dowry for me ?
Is it just because, after marriage, i shall go to my husband's house,
and i shall be of no use for them ?
People love to have,
a mother,
a wife,
and of course a girl friend too,
Then why not a daughter ?
If you are a human...
Think over it,
and reply back to my crying soul..
i am waiting.............