Let It Go!!!!!!!!!!!

Dixit (CA Final) (2405 Points)

18 November 2010  


Let It Go!!!!!!!!!!!

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Let them go.

Let them go!!

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If you are holding on to past hurts and pains ......


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If someone can't treat you right, love you back, and see your worth.....


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If someone has angered you ........

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If you are holding on to some thoughts of evil and revenge......


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If you are involved in a wrong relationship or addiction.....


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If you are holding on to a job that no longer meets your needs or talents


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If you have a bad attitude.......


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If you keep judging others to make yourself feel better......


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If you're stuck in the past and God is trying to take you to a new level in Him......


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If you are struggling with the healing of a broken relationship.......


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If you keep trying to help someone who won't even try to help themselves.....


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If you're feeling depressed and stressed ..........


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Get Right or Get Left .. Think about it, and then.


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