Can someone let me know the basic procedure for ledger scrutiny
Saliq Ansari (CA_Final Student) (885 Points)
22 January 2010Can someone let me know the basic procedure for ledger scrutiny
(CA Final, CS Executive)
(365 Points)
Replied 22 January 2010
Ledger scrutiny is the overall assessment of accounts of a concern. It is a process intitiated with a view to ensure true and fair concept. Any irregularity (Whether it may be error or a statutorial non-compliance) may be bought into light. Just by scrolling down the transaction that has occured in an account with adequate narrations, could be very helpful in the process of scrutiny for identifying whether the accounts reflect a true and fair view. Before resorting to ledger srutiny, the auditor should ascertain the extent to which it can be adopted. It can be detailed or restricted to some class of accounts.