Learn from failure

Vinod (Article assistant) (234 Points)

24 February 2013  


FAILURE  doesn't mean  u r a failure 
it means u haven't  succeeded yet. 
FAILURE  doesn't mean, u haven't accomplished anything 
it means  u have learned something 
FAILURE  doesn't mean u have been disgraced 
it means u  were willing to try 
FAILURE  doesn't mean u don't have it, 
it means u  have to do something in a different way 
FAILURE  doesn't mean u r not good enough 
it means u r not perfect 
FAILURE  doesn't mean  u have wasted your life 
it means u have a reason to start a fresh 
FAILURE  doesn't mean u should give up 
it means u  must try harder. 
FAILURE  doesn't mean u'll never make it 
it means  it will take a little longer 
FAILURE  doesn't mean god has abandoned u 
it means he has something better for u in store.
wright brothers are also failure if they loose their 
hope of success then perheps we will untill unable
to reach at sky.......................................