Learn from animals: Inevitable Success

Sk. Abdul Aziz (CA - Final) (811 Points)

01 May 2011  

Dear Friends,
If one makes a sincere attempt to acquire all the qualities of different animals narrated below, then success in inevitable.
1) The Lion, king of animals has one outstanding virtue. He puts his heart into every activity he undertakes. Whatever he does, he does with vigour. Every deed is executed with total commitment, devotation and single minded intensity.
2) A Deer possesses the virtue of self restraint, flexibility (it adjusts its behaviour according to the need of the moment) and foresight.
3) The Cock rises at the crack of dawn. He is always ready to fight and chase away his rivals. He also has the habit of snatching away other's food.
4) A dog is content with whatever he gets. He is complacent, even when he begins to experience the pangs of hunger. He is brave and faithfull. A dog is alert even in sleep. These are his outstanding virtues.
5) The crow hoards food from time to time and take care not to trust anybody. He behaves with utmost circumspection. Moreover, a cow only copulates occasionally.
6) The donkey works vigourously, even when his limbs are weary. He cultivates an indifference to the scorching summer heat and this enables him to plod on relentless of his exhaustion. Come what may, he is always tranquil and content. This is an admirable quality.
Thanks and Regards
Sk. Abdul Aziz