leading caselaws in law

Vinay Raja (student-IPCC) (704 Points)

30 November 2010  

these are the 50 leading case laws in business law.

And i think every student dealing with law should have knowledge of these important case laws.

1. Lalman Vs. Gauri Datt (1913)

2. Balfour Vs. Balfour (1919)

3. Mc Gregor Vs. Mc Gregor |(1888)

4. Carlill Vs. Carbolic Smoke Ball Co. Ltd. (1893)

5. Harvey Vs. Facey (1893)

6. Mc Pherson Vs. Appana (1951)

7. Felt house Vs. Bindley (1863)

8. Powell Vs. Lee (1908)

9. Eliason Vs. Henshaw (1819)

10. Hyde Vs. Wrench (1840)

11. Curie Vs. Misa (1875)

12. Durga Prasad Vs. Baldeo (1880)

13. Kedar Nath Vs. Gorie Mohammad (1886)

14. Chinnaya Vs. Ramayya (1882)

15. SindhaVs.Abrahm(1885)

16. De La Bere Vs. Pearson (1908)

17. Khawja Mohammad Khan Vs. Hussaini Begum (1910)

18. Shuppu Vs. Subramaniam (1910)

20. Chikham Amiraju Vs. Chikham Seshamma( 1917)

21. Mannu Singh Vs. Umadatt Pandey (1890)

22. Deny Vs. Peek (1889)

23. Couturier Vs. Hastie (1856)

24. Mohoribibi Vs. Dharmodas Ghose (1903)

25. Mir Sarwarjan Vs. Fakhruddin Mohammad (1912)

26. Burnard Vs. Haggis (1863)

27. Jennings Vs. Rundall (1799)

28. Frost Vs. Knight (1872)

29. Start-up Vs. Macdonalds (1843)

30. Murlidhar Chatterjee Vs. International Film Company

31. Taylor Vs. Caldwell (1863)

32. Krell Vs. Henry [(1903) 2 KB 740 CA]

33. Robinson Vs. Davison 1(1871) LR 6 Exch 269]

34. Satyabrata Vs. Mugneeram Bangur & Co. {AIR 1954 SC 44J

35. Hochester Vs. De La Tour |(1853) 2 Eills & BB 678]

36. Hadley Vs. Baxendale [(1854) 9 Ex 341]

37. Wilson Vs. Lancashire and Yorkshire RIy Co. [50 LJCP 232]

38. Dunlop Pneumatic Tyre Co. Ltd. Vs. New Garage & Motor Co. Ltd. [(1915) AC 79]

39. Shri Chunni Lai Vs. Mehta & Sons Ltd. [A.I.R. 1962 S.C. 1314

40. Moses Vs. Macferlan 1(1760) 2 Burr 1005]

41. Muni Bibi Vs. Trilokinath J(1960) SC 779j

42. Shyam Lai Vs. State of U.P. 1(1968) A.I.R. 130]

43. Nanak Ram Vs. Mehinlal [(1877) 1 AH 487)

44. Kishore Vs. Radha Raman [(1939) I.L.R. 12 Cal 330]

45. Imperial Bank Vs. SL Kathereine Docks [(1877)5 Ch. D]

46. Bal Krishna Vs. Bank of Bengal [(1891) 15 Bom 585]

47. Ram Gulam Vs. Government of U.P. [AIR 1950 All 206]

48. Martin Vs. London County Council [(1947) KB 628J

49. Ferguson Vs. Uma Chand Bold [(1905) 33 Lai 343J

50. Smith Vs. Mose [(1940) 1 KB 424]

for a detailed explanation regarding each caselaw follow the file attached.