Leadership Lessons

CMA KNVV Sri Vidya - Sri Kanth (C.A.Final (New) ICWAI FINAL (New))   (11269 Points)

09 March 2009  

Leadership lessons from OBAMA

1. Becomfortable in ur own skin

2. Develop ur communication skills

3. spend quality time crafting your speeches

4. Practice Practice

5. Deliver with passion

6. Connect witt ur audience

7. stick to the message

8.  You will get far with great term

9. you learn more by listening

10. Its all  about connecting

11. Stable Strategy  + Flexible Tactics = Victory

12. Yesterdays compitetor is todays collaborator

13. A leader is a dealer in hope

14. Be ur own story teller

15. leadership is infulence

16. technology is ally

17. Use it to reach ur supporters

18. Leadership is all about empowering others and realeasing them to make impact

19. the ability to stay calm ubder pressure is great quality

20. Dont be afraid to experiment