Respected Sir,
I am a Ready Made Garment MAnufacturer and I wanted to know whether Local Body Tax (LBT) is applicable to me. I also wanted to know how it is applicable.
If anyone can help me please.
Thanking You
Dixit Shah (Articleship) (286 Points)
08 May 2013Respected Sir,
I am a Ready Made Garment MAnufacturer and I wanted to know whether Local Body Tax (LBT) is applicable to me. I also wanted to know how it is applicable.
If anyone can help me please.
Thanking You
CA Mukesh Choudhari
(153 Points)
Replied 08 May 2013
(902 Points)
Replied 27 July 2013
Yes LBT is applicable to you, if LBT has been introduced in your City
And it will be applicable on whatever purchase you made for manufacturing Garment
And LBT shall be paid on purchase value i.e. final Invoice Amount, by applying the rate applicable on the product you purchase as per the LBT rate schedule of your city
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