Laughter is Cheap Medicine

Dixit (CA Final) (2405 Points)

23 October 2010  



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A woman diagnosed with Rheumatoid Arthritis wrote to me and talked
About how painful the disease had become. Debra said that no drugs
Would touch the devastating pain. "At times I prayed to die because I
Did not think I could go on this way," she said. But in two and a half
Years she weaned herself from most of her medication, which had
Reached a high of 21 pills a day. This is how she did it.
"I began seeing a doctor who gave me the most important prescripttion
That I ever could have received," she said. "He excused himself from
The room. I watched him walking back and forth in the hall; he seemed
To be in deep though t."
The doctor came back in with this prescripttion: he told Debra to get
Some funny movies and to begin laughing. If she didn't feel like
Laughing, then she should smile. If she didn't feel like smiling, she
Should smile anyway! He said that it would increase endorphins in her
Brain and help with her pain.
She did just as he suggested. She smiled constantly. Her children
Teased her about the fake smile, but she told them that it was going
To get rid of her pain. And it did. Of course, not all of her pain is
Gone, but her newly acquired habit of laughing and smiling has made it
Manageable without all of the drugs.
Today, Debra is never seen without her smile. She says that she would
Not even feel normal without it.
Laughter really is cheap medicine. And it's a prescripttion you can
Fill right now.

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