Laugh of the Week...

Rahul (CA) (1880 Points)

10 October 2010  

A man was leaving a cafe wen he noticed an unusual funeral....


A funeral coffin ws followd by a second one....

Behind d 2nd coffin ws a solitary man walkn wid a black dog....

Behind him ws a queue of 200 men walkin in a straight line.....

D man couldn't stand his curiosity.....


          He approachd d man walkn wid d dog,"I'm sorry 2disturb u,bt I've never seen a funeral lyk dis wid so many walkn in a straight line. Who's funeral is it?"


He replied, "Dat 1st coffin is 4 my wife.."

"Wat hpnd 2 her??"

"My dog attackd n killd her.."

"The 2nd coffin??"

"Its my mother-in-law's..

She ws tryn 2 help my wife wen d dog attackd n killd her also.."



A thoughtful moment of silence passes between d 2 men..

Den d 1st man asks in excitement,


"Can I borrow d dog??"


D man replied,






"Plz Join d queue...."