Last moment Exam preparation strategy (Final Touch) Dont mis


22 March 2011  

You remember Charles Dickens immortal story "Christmas Carol." The miserly Scrooge grows increasingly unconcerned with others and isolated until, one night, he is invited by supernatural visitors to change. The "Ghost of Christmas Past" takes him by the hand and shows him how his life has unfolded and how his self-centered decisions have led him to his present unhappy state. The "Ghost of Christmas Present" takes the blindfolds off his narrow view of life so he can clearly see how he has insolated himself from the struggles of others. Finally, the "Ghost of Christmas Future" portrays to Scrooge what is likely to happen if he persists along his present course. It is an ugly sight. does the story end? Scrooge wakes up. That's right -- he WAKES UP! When he awakens from his slumber he also awakens to the way things are. He wakes up and changes! We really CAN change

As Swami Vivekananda quotes “You can do anything in the world, Awake, Arise and Achieve”.

First make a firm decision that you have to pass (there is no choice other than Pass). Secondly you have to think how you can maximise your ability and finally what is the bottleneck for your success.


I hope the student’s fails in exam firstly due to lack of proper plan. For clearing the Group (Both) which papers you can score well and how to score good mark and next which paper is weak and how to overcome your weakness. If you correct these two even now, there exists the chance with you. In the first case you are maximise your ability and second case you are improving by yourselves by overcoming the weakness. How was your exam pattern and type of questions?


Best preparation

If you had taken a decision in the above manner, you have to frame a good time table. You have to give the Target and weaker subject more time. Others the normal time.

Find more time for preparation, there is no correlation with hours of study with effectiveness. Be crystal clarity with concepts since exam questions were purely practical and real time also assess your depth of knowledge. Method of studies have direct effect. You must have a clear idea about logic and concept and apply these in your language with value added points.

Better presentation

In short presentation is the way in which you are communicate a matter to the examiner. Best preparation But poor presentation will leads failures. Exam questions are practical, indirect and have application in more than one segment. You should only write only relevant points in your language. Try to Give value addition to your writings.

All The best

Ca Vivek M