Hi Deepak Tapase and Lalit
I am quoting herewith the provision contained in circular 9/2008
Deposit of Tax Deducted:
4.4. According to the provisions of section 200, any person
deducting any sum in accordance with the provisions of Section
192 or paying tax on non-monetary perquisites on behalf of the
employee under Section 192(1A), shall pay the sum so deducted or
tax so calculated on the said non-monetary perquisites, as the
case may be, to the credit of the Central Government in
prescribed manner (vide Rule 30 of the Income-tax Rules,1962).
In the case of deductions made by, or, on behalf of the
Government, the payment has to be made on the day of the taxdeduction
itself. In other cases, the payment has to be made
within one week from the last day of month in which deduction is made