Knowledge- the ultimate wealth

CA ROSHAN TIWARI (salaried) (302 Points)

01 September 2013  

Dear Friends,

Sharing my thoughts and beliefs...

Today entire world is after money.. which has led to corruption all around. Just take a break for a  few minute and ask yourself a few questions :

Is money the most important thing?

Why is money required?

What will you do if you get the money?

How much will be enough?

And is the goal of your life is to earning money or is your life is for earning money?


Please think upon it, share it with others and see yourself - where you  are heading...

Here is the answer which i got.

Our death is certain , we are not going to enjoy the money after death, we will have to leave all here...

We entered the world alone we will go alone without carrying any of our assets and belongings. So, nothing is yours.

I believe the ultimate wealth is Knowledge. Why ?

It is something which once gained no one take it from you, it do not require any safe or security like gold , silver, rupee and dollar requires.

It is something which can be shared for free, the more you share it, the more it grows, it keeps multiplying if the receiver also shares it , at least you lose nothing.

You are eligible to earn for your livelihood , now taking as social responsibility or if you want to help others, you should make others eligible too. I think it should be our ultimate goal of our life.

We cannot help others by giving food or money because it will exhaust  with them only and again food and money has a limit beyond which you cannot share. But knowledge if you share it , it will grow and keeps multiplying making others also eligible as they have also acquired the ultimate wealth.

Teach , Educate someone with whatever knowledge you have , whatever education you have.. Nothing can be better achievement than this. You will die one day but your knowledge your ideas your education is alive as you have shares the ultimate wealth with others who are alive , eligible to earn , capable of living a simple life and are enriched with the knowledge which you have shared.


Today we are educated , it means someone must have shared his or her experience , knowledge , education that has reached us by a channel ... You are able to earn for your livelihood because you have gained the ultimate wealth which is education. And now its your turn to share it with others and educate them too.


I believe if this simple thing one can understand in true terms then in a long run we will be able to curb , reduce or eliminate the corruption all around.

Stop the run for simple... it can bring a radical change and a better tomorrow.



Share the knowledge , its was not yours you got it from some one and give it back to some one... please


Thanks & Regards,

Roshan Tiwari