
Vivek (P.C.C Student) (72 Points)

17 December 2010  

Before we start talking about knowledge we must know that the beginning of knowledge is the discovery of something we do not understand, which will start a flame inside you to know more about that thing and that flame will lead your quest to know more and more, where knowledge is the land of wisdom that we arrive to it after a long journey and we learn so many values and facts along that journey.

You must realize that the road to success is associated with the one of gaining knowledge , where you can’t be successful without having the knowledge that would lead you to success, this is the secret receipt to success and gaining knowledge would be the main ingredient in it.


Knowledge is power the more knowledge you have the more creative you will be the more chances you will have to be successful and happy.

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How can we gain the knowledge?

Do you know that we waste more than 1/3 of our age in sleeping and yearly we spend more than 900 hours stuck in our cars driving, and half of our time daily is wasted on you waiting in a bank, restaurant, etc…



So how can we gain knowledge and make the best use of our times in order to widen our horizon there are many sources and of course the main is reading, Experimentation and observation, People, Thinking and pondering, improving your skills.

I think that the biggest and largest source of knowledge to any human being starts with people, since we are babies we get knowledge from our parents and specially our mums, then when we grow more the more people we meet who are a great source for knowledge to us.




regimentation and Observation:
Experimentation is to try new things and observation is to pay attention to small and big details, by this way you can gain a huge amount of data and knowledge as you educate yourself by the trial and error method in which you try something and you gain certain information about that thing and you observe the results then you evaluate the whole experience and you gain a certain knowledge about that thing.

Thinking and pondering:
When learning new things you need to focus and concentrate so much, not just reading or thinking alone would lead you to gain knowledge but reading and thinking and pondering about what you learn and read by this way you will gain a tremendous amount of knowledge and data about the thing you learn.


Skills improvements:
The more skills you have the more knowledge you will gain to success, but most important than gaining new skills is investing some time to improve the skills you have that would increase your knowledge and therefore increasing you chances to success and living a happy life.

As a conclusion for that there are many ways to gain knowledge and more ways to use that knowledge in order to be more successful in our lives on the personal and professional levels all we need is organizing our time and thoughts in order to reach our targets and gain more knowledge in our lives and achieve more success