Knowing our body - i ( hand)

Sourav Banerjee MA,MSW (Shabda Bramha) (8842 Points)

25 September 2011  





 Very Good Evening, friends.

Today I'm going to start a new series on ... you can very well guess that; so, I better hold myself back from beating around the bush.:)

I hope you will find my effort useful.







·     ** I haven’t got the books at hand, but I can get them for you by this afternoon.


BE HAND IN GLOVE (WITH SOMEONE) = To be very closely associated with someone.


·     ** Apparently, the British and American secret services were hand in glove on the latest espionage case.


HAND DOWN = To pass on from one generation to the next


·     ** These customs have been handed down from father to son since the Middle Ages.


HAND IN = To give or bring to a person, place etc.


·     ** The teacher told the children to hand in their exercise-books.


HAND OVER FIST = In large amounts, usually quickly


·    **Share prices were dropping and Swapan found himself losing money hand over fist.


KEEP ONE'S HAND IN = To remain good or skilful at doing something by doing it occasionally


·     ** I still sometimes play the game of chess, just to keep my hand in.


OFF ONE'S HANDS = No longer needing to be looked after etc.


·     ** You'll be glad to get the children off your hands for a couple of weeks.


TO HAND = Here; easily reached, in one’s possession at the moment.


·      **All the tools you need are to hand.


CAP IN HAND = Humble


·    **He had a strong disagreement with his Boss, but next morning, he went back cap in hand and apologized


A DAB HAND (IN SOMETHING) = Clever/skillful/experienced person


·   **Babu is quite a dab hand at repairing electrical things. Let him have a look at your UPS.

PUT ONE’S HAND TO THE PLOUGH = Work hard with great effort


·    ** When Vijay inherited his father’s business he did very little work for the first six months. But as soon as he put his hand to the plough, he made a big success of it.