Know excel version

Exshail (Software) (1581 Points)

28 November 2011  

Do you know before Excel, Microsoft had DOS version of spreadsheet called "Multiplan", compete with other products like Lotus 123 (, Quatropro (, Framework (, etc.

Know Excel Version History.

There is no Excel 1.0, in order to avoid confusion with Apple versions.

Versions for Microsoft Excel for Window

1987 Ver 2.0 Excel 2.0 for Windows with macrosheet
1990 Ver 3.0 Excel 3.0 intoduced add-ins support.
1992 Ver 4.0 Excel 4.0 Dialogsheet included in Workbook.
1993 Ver 5.0 E...xcel 5.0 VBA Module Sheet included in Workbook.
1995 Ver 7.0 Excel 95 for Windows 95 (32 bit) – included in Office-95 1997 Ver 8.0 Excel 97 – included in Office 97 (x86 and also a DEC Alpha version) Separate VBIDE introduced by removing Module Sheet from Workbook.
1999 Ver 9.0 Excel 2000 included in Office 2000
2001 Ver 10 Excel 2002 included in Office XP
2003 Ver 11 Excel 2003 included in Office 2003 List features introduced.
2007 Ver 12 Excel 2007 included in Office 2007 Ribbon UI introduced
2010 Ver 14 Excel 2010 included in Office 2010 Slicer & Sparkline introduced.

Note : There is no Excel 6.0, because the Windows 95 version was launched with Word 7.

