Key to happiness

khushbu darak(CWA) (H & A team(indirect taxes))   (403 Points)

03 August 2011  



Sometimes in life we come across many situations that become obstacle in our path for time being. We lose our confidence and start thinking that this is the end. But from very next moment we start searching solutions to overcome the problem. This is nothing but if we analyze we come to know that when a person start losing self confidence, a favourable situation becomes unfavourable.As soon as we regain the confidence that again turns to favourable one as time passes.

                       Everyone in the World knows the fact that there is no single person without problems. When there is the problem there is solution even. Person having guts to overcome their problems can pave their path towards progress. Rest all rest in their lives. They go in the way situation leads them but they don’t try to tackle the situation. Miscommunication, Misunderstanding, Misconception are the common areas of problems we come across. What you want in your life just express it. I came across the same problem in my life once. My financial condition did not allow me to proceed with my studies. I thought to discontinue as many people do. But later on I started degree coaching in my town and simultaneously I pursued my studies and see I am done. If I would have discontinued I would have kept full stop to my career. I thought as I am from a small town where no coaching is available for professional course, and being from a typical family they may not allow me. But I Expressed my view everything went favourably. My expression took me to my goal.

                So don’t keep such things in your mind. Just disclose and be honest and straight towards your goal. What this problem gives us? This gives us experiences which goes on adding meaning to our life. If we don’t know what darkness is and we don’t experience it, then how can we enjoy light? When a person stops where a situation stops them, people start giving sympathy instead of love. To enjoy we need not have a big occasion or big thing. Just experience each and every moment, either it may be small or big with positiveness, you will start accumulating pages of happiness in your life book which in turn become sweet memories.

                    The key of happiness is to enjoy each and every moment. Put your maximum efforts to fulfill your ambition, be honest and dedicated towards your work and enjoy every work you do and don’t compare yourself in terms of anyone. Rather you compare in terms of efforts. Compare your life with people down to you, then you will realize how better your life is when compared to him/her, YOU WOULD BE THE HAPPIEST PERSON ON THE EARTH HAVING NO COMPLAINTS.