Kaplan CPA Review in India

Sanjeev (CPA Training) (42 Points)

03 October 2007  
We are an Executive Education Solutions company based out of Gurgaon. We have become a part of the HR ecosystem of leading organisations who are helped by our solutions in Retaining their employees.
Alethia is founded by professionals with a deep understanding of the Indian Education System. The Core ideology guiding Alethia Education Services (AES) is "To create avenues and offer methods of spreading education, wisdom to the seekers of knowledge through the use of technology."

The company provides services to the three main segments of the education ecosystem: University Education Segment, Continuous Education Segment and Corporate Training.
As part of our commitment to offer world class international certifications, we are pleased to add world class CPA review from KAPLAN.

About Kaplan CPA Review

Kaplan CPA Review is part of Kaplan Professional ( www.kaplanprofessional.com), a division of Kaplan, Inc.( www.kaplan.com), a wholly-owned subsidiary of The Washington Post Company (www.washingtonpost.com ). Kaplan Professional is a leading provider of education and training solutions to companies and individuals in the financial services, insurance, banking, real estate, legal, information technology, and call center industries.

CPAs provide a wide range of functions within a company. As a CPA, you can also choose from a variety of areas in which to focus, including: financial analysis, auditing,
tax planning, international accounting and more. Becoming a CPA requires a blend of education and experience, and passing scores on the Uniform CPA Examination conducted in the US. Kaplan CPA Review can assist in imparting quality training for the employees of your organization

Training Methodology

Live Classes / Hybrid Learning

This would constitute of Video-based lectures along with faculty guidance to make the learning more effective.

Workshops to be held all across India.

Classroom Location:

·         Bangalore

·         Pune

·         Mumbai

·         Delhi
Course Fees: US $ 1950 (Corporate batch prices are US $ 1250)
The new batch starts at Guragon on 7th October, 2007.

* Self-Study Learning Systems

Using a proven methodology known as LEARN • PRACTICE • RETAIN™, we have created an efficient, yet comprehensive Learning System for each of the four sections of the exam. At the core of each Learning System is the Kaplan Activity Planner, which breaks the curriculum into sequenced, manageable segments that easily fit your chosen timeframe. The Kaplan Activity Planner serves as your guide as you:

·         LEARN content by reading our Study Manual text, watching Lesson videos, and utilizing online question bank software to work True/False questions

·         PRACTICE what you've learned by watching Problem-Solving videos, working problems in our Study Manual texts, and utilizing online software to work Multiple-Choice Questions, Test lets and Simulations

·         RETAIN what you've learned and practiced by listening to Question/Answer sessions on our Audio CDs, and reviewing our Flashcards and Cram Essentials to solidify core concepts for exam day success

Online Classes

Under Online based learning the candidate would be provided with a registration ID and password where he/she can have access to:

·         Online Streaming Videos and Workbook

·         Online Question Bank (M/C, T/F, Test lets & Simulations)

·         Instructional Email Lessons and Email an Instructor

We look forward to hearing from you soon.
Best Regards,
Sanjeev @ cpareview.in