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Rahul Bansal (Finalist) (35929 Points)
Replied 11 January 2010

What is the concept of a ‘designated Authorised Dealer’? Can there be more than one ‘designated Authorised Dealer’ for the same JV/WOS in case the JV/WOS has more than one Indian promoter?

A. The Indian party is to route all transactions in respect of one particular overseas JV/WOS through only one branch of an Authorized Dealer. This branch would be the ‘designated Authorised Dealer’ in respect of that JV/WOS and all transactions relating to the investment in that particular JV/WOS are to be reported only through this ‘designated’ branch of an Authorized Dealer. In case the JV/WOS is being set up abroad by two or more Indian promoters, then all Indian promoters would collectively be called the Indian party who would be required to report all transactions in respect of that JV/WOS only through one ‘designated Authorised Dealer’.

Rahul Bansal (Finalist) (35929 Points)
Replied 11 January 2010

What about if one Indian promoter has more than one JV in either the same country or in different countries?

A. The Indian promoters are free to designate different branches of the same Authorised Dealer or different branches of different Authorised Dealers for their separate JVs/WOSs. The only requirement is that regardless of the number of promoters, one JV/WOS will have only one ‘designated Authorsied Dealer’ to report all its transactions.

Rahul Bansal (Finalist) (35929 Points)
Replied 11 January 2010

Can one change the ‘designated Authorized Dealer’?

A. Yes. An application by way of a letter may be made to the concerned Regional Office of the Reserve Bank.

Rahul Bansal (Finalist) (35929 Points)
Replied 11 January 2010

Whether any prior registration with the Reserve Bank is necessary for direct investments under the Automatic Route?

A. No prior registration with the Reserve Bank is necessary for direct investments under the automatic route. After the report of remittance/investment in form ODR is received by the Reserve Bank, from the designated Authorised Dealer, an identification number for that particular JV/WOS will be issued for the purpose of taking on record the overseas direct investment with the objective of maintaining a database for monitoring the outflows/inflows in respect of the overseas entities. Subsequent investments in the same project can be made only after allotment of the identification number.

Rahul Bansal (Finalist) (35929 Points)
Replied 11 January 2010

Does the allotment of an identification number by the Reserve Bank for direct investments under the automatic route constitute an approval from the Reserve Bank?

A. No. The allotment of the identification number does not constitute an approval from the Reserve Bank for the investment made/to be made in the JV/WOS. The issue of an identification number only signifies the taking on record of the investment for maintaining the database.

Rahul Bansal (Finalist) (35929 Points)
Replied 11 January 2010

Is there any prohibition for direct investment under the Automatic Route?

A. Yes. Indian Parties which are under investigation by the Enforcement Directorate/other investigative agencies/regulatory authorities, or are on the Reserve Bank’s exporters caution list or are included in the list of defaulters to the banking system in India published/circulated by CIBIL/RBI are not eligible to make investment under the automatic route.

Rahul Bansal (Finalist) (35929 Points)
Replied 11 January 2010

What are the parameters for considering proposals under the normal route?

A Requests under the normal route are considered by taking into account inter alia the prima facie viability of the proposal, business track record of the promoters, experience and expertise of the promoters, benefits to the country, etc.

Rahul Bansal (Finalist) (35929 Points)
Replied 11 January 2010

Can an Indian company make investment in a JV/WOS abroad in the financial services sector?

A. Only an Indian Company engaged in financial sector activities can make investment in the financial services sector provided it fulfills the following additional norms :

    1. has earned net profit during the preceding three financial years from the financial services activities;
    2. is registered with the appropriate regulatory authority in India for conducting financial services activities;
    3. has obtained approval for undertaking such activities from the concerned regulatory authorities both in India and abroad before venturing into such activity;
    4. has fulfilled the prudential norms relating to capital adequacy as prescribed by the concerned regulatory authority in India.

Rahul Bansal (Finalist) (35929 Points)
Replied 11 January 2010

What are the permissible sources for funding overseas direct investment?

A. Funding for overseas direct investment can be made by one or more of the following sources:

    1. the balances held in Exchange Earners Foreign Currency account of the Indian Party maintained with an authorised dealer;
    2. proceeds of ADR/GDR issues;
    3. market purchases of foreign exchange;
    4. share swap (refers to the acquisition of the shares of an overseas entity by way of exchange of the shares of the Indian entity);
    5. capitalisation of exports, royalties, etc.;
    6. proceeds of ECBs/FCCBs raised abroad.

For the purpose of reckoning net worth of an Indian party, the net worth of its holding company (which holds at least 51% stake in the Indian Party) or its subsidiary company (in which the Indian party holds at least 51% stake) may be taken into account to the extent not availed of by the holding company or the subsidiary independently and has furnished a letter of disclaimer in favour of the Indian Party. However, this facility is not available to partnership firms. Also the partnership firm’s networth can not be taken into account by an incorporated entity.

Rahul Bansal (Finalist) (35929 Points)
Replied 11 January 2010

Can an Indian Party capitalize the proceeds of the exports to its overseas JV/WOS?

A. Yes, capitalization of export proceeds by an Indian Party, to its overseas JV/WOS, is permitted under the automatic route provided the export proceeds have not remained unrealised beyond a period of six months from the date of export. Such proceeds shall not be capitalized without the prior permission of the Reserve Bank.

Rahul Bansal (Finalist) (35929 Points)
Replied 11 January 2010

Can an Indian Party extend loan or guarantee to an overseas entity without any equity participation in that entity?

A. No. Loan and guarantee can be extended to an overseas entity only if there is already an equity participation by way of direct investment.

Rahul Bansal (Finalist) (35929 Points)
Replied 11 January 2010

Can an Indian Company make direct investment in an overseas concern by way of share swap?

A. Yes, requests for direct investment outside India in a JV/WOS by way of share swap arrangement can be made under the automatic route provided the valuation norms prescribed i.e. valuation of the shares is done by a category I Merchant Banker registered with the Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI) or an Investment Banker/Merchant Banker outside India registered with the appropriate Regulatory Authority in the host country, are satisfied. Investors may also please note that all share swap transactions require prior approval of the Foreign Investment Promotion Board for the inward leg of the investment.

Rahul Bansal (Finalist) (35929 Points)
Replied 11 January 2010

What are the schemes for overseas direct investment by partnership firms?

A. Partnership firms registered under the Indian Partnership Act 1932 can make overseas direct investments subject to the same terms and conditions as applicable to corporate entities.

Rahul Bansal (Finalist) (35929 Points)
Replied 11 January 2010

Can the partners hold shares of the overseas concerns for and on behalf of the firm?

A. It will be in order for individual partners to hold shares for and on behalf of the firm in an overseas JV/WOS, only if the host country regulations or operational requirements warrant such holding. However, the funding for the overseas JV/WOS has to be made by the firm.

Rahul Bansal (Finalist) (35929 Points)
Replied 11 January 2010

Are there any restrictions for setting up of a second generation company? Can such step down subsidiaries be set up under the Automatic Route?

A. There are no restrictions on entities having JVs/WOSs abroad setting up second generation companies (step-down subsidiaries) within the overall limits applicable for investments under the Automatic Route. However, companies wishing to set up step-down subsidiaries to undertake financial sector activities will have to comply with the additional requirements for direct investment in the financial sector.

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