Just like a Spiderman !

CA. Dashrath Maheshwari (TaXpert) (15103 Points)

03 December 2008  

The CA and the spiderman

Just like a Spiderman a chartered accountant spread the web of

Rules, regulation, laws, sections, tribunals, standards, acts, appeals...

Think what is the common in spiderman and the chartered accountants !!!

The Spiderman was created in 1962, when The powers given to chartered accountants to make statutory audits, by Companies Act 1962.

A bite from an irradiated spider causes a variety of changes in the body of Peter Parker, giving him superpowers. and Pass Certificate in CA gives many superpowers to CAs.

Spider-Man has the ability to cling to walls, superhuman strength, a sixth sense ("spider-sense") that alerts him to danger, perfect balance and equilibrium, as well as superhuman speed and agility. and CA (s) have abililty to react on any financial data with a sixth sense of saving taxes with perfect balance and equilibrium aswell as with a super speed and agility.

Spiderman has the ability to stick individuals to his back, better control over Spider-sense for detection, and night vision. on the other hand CA (s) have the ability of working in back office, better financial management and financial control with CA sense for detection of any financial float with perfect 24 hours vision.


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