Jokes on accountants and auditors....

shwetha (CWA learner) (447 Points)

20 November 2011  

1.   What disease kills more accountants than any other?


2. Patient: "Hello, doctor. Please help. I just don't know what's wrong with me. Goodbye."

30 seconds later... "Hello again, doctor. Please help. I just don't know what's wrong with me."
Doctor: "Mmm. Sounds like a serious case of double entry."

3. An accountant was having difficulty trying to sleep and went to the dcotor.

"Have you tried counting sheep?" asked the doctor. 
"That's the problem," replied the accountant. "I make a mistake and then spend 6 hours trying to find it".


4.How many auditors does it take to change a light bulb?

How many did it take last year?


5. Why did the auditors cross the road?

Because they looked in the file and that's what they did last year.