jk jain sir notes

rahul s (no) (142 Points)

18 December 2010  

nirbhay jain and shiv are fake id of jk jain himself

as i have seen many places where they are promoting the book of jk jain

further one point to be noted is that all these three ids' are made on dates as follows

nirbhay jain - 5 december 2010

shiv - 2 december 2010

jk jain - 6 december 2010

further nirbhay jain has come to know about his book even before the date of making of jk jain id

can nirbhay jain clarify the source from where he came to know about jk jain book

further i have searched on google about jk jain but nothing i have come to known about him


the information may be false i m not sure

but it requires clarification