Java version problem for traces pdf converter utility

Sachin (Taxation) (74 Points)

28 July 2015  

I am using traces utility 1.3 for form 16A and V1.0 for form 27D to convert certificates in pdf format using digital signature. But while converting showing error message "missing jre file".  Please refer attached file for all error messages. Till yeaterday the file was runing but it was taking minimum 10 minites for single certificate to convert the file in pfd format. So i need your help to resolved the issue of java, etc...

Traces call centre customer care executive suggested me use java version 8 update 45 1.7 jre file. The java version downladed from Java web site itself but don't know still facing same problem. Can you please help me out?

One more thing when i click on file converting it is opening in note pad.

Thanks in Advance
