Its time to need help CCIans..!!

CA Dauzi Pathan Imran Khan (Chartered Accountant in Practise)   (1678 Points)

30 December 2010  

Hello My dear Friends...!!!

If you have two minutes, read this and If u have 5 more minutes, Post ur comments.

As all we do, I kept on thinking to do some thing for society.

But I don't know how to do it..

Causes of course, I think I have no time to think it off and either I am too rich to do that.

But after reading one simple article in our Local News Daily, I had an Idea to collect all same people who r willing to do some thing for society.

I want to take step towards Donating some children who are interested and having no financial resources or else any other causes money for their Primary Education.

I have read in that small article is:

One family head killed himself after thinking of his disability to treat his wife who is ill( Some Chronic disease). And they had two children, one boy and another girl. their relatives took over that girl for broght her up. But Boy has to stay there since he is elder and his mother is too week that she can't eat her food herself or can not do any thing herself(i.e urinals etc). The Son has to serve his mother. That is very natural in our daily life.

But he is willing to study and he is not able to study because he is going to shepherd the cows daily for his and his mother's livelihood.

that is point where I got stucked.

Though it is regular story, the child who wants to study is not abling to do it because of lack of money.

Friends, Many of you got some idea on these type of problems,

I want some advices or direction how to start a group to help like these children.

And also invited ideas afterwards we can take steps according to it.

please communicate me : imrankhaanca @

Interested friends can join their hands.

Don't underestimate that what can we do...

Remember that to make the ocean, many single drops of water is compulsory.

If any one kid can educate with our efforts, it is success we get.

May be that child's wisdom is necessary for human kind in future..??

Think freinds..

Smile Onnn..!!